
Posted in inspiration, mental health, Motivational, Self improvement, Uncategorized

10 Proven Strategies to Live a Happier and More Fulfilling Life

Hi Wanderers,

As you know I make my about finding happiness and sharing it with others. I have found happiness in the small, big and uncommon places of life. Lately I have been blissfully happy in life; between thriving in my business ventures and becoming a new mother I have found many reasons to be happy.

Now it is time to focus on you, my dears. Where have you found your happiness? What small windows of sunshine have you looked out of lately? Remember, even on the smallest of measures, one can find happiness. If you need help, here are some proven strategies to inspire you to see it.

10 Proven Strategies to Live a Happier and More Fulfilling Life

1) Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Adopting a positive mindset is essential for personal growth and success. When you approach life with an optimistic and can-do attitude, you open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities. A positive mindset allows you to overcome challenges, manage stress more effectively, and achieve your goals with greater ease.

Cultivating a positive mindset is not always easy, but it is a skill that can be developed through conscious effort and practice. Start by focusing on the things you’re grateful for each day, reframing negative thoughts into more constructive perspectives, and surrounding yourself with positive influences.

Believe in your abilities, embrace failures as learning experiences, and maintain a solutions-oriented approach. With a positive mindset, you’ll be empowered to take on any obstacle and make the most of every situation. Commit to nurturing this transformative mindset, and watch as it propels you towards a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

2) Prioritize Your Well-Being

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of work, family, and social obligations, often neglecting our own needs. However, the importance of establishing and maintaining self-care routines cannot be overstated. By prioritizing your well-being, you can improve your physical and mental health, boost productivity, and cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Implementing self-care practices, such as regular exercise, mindfulness exercises, and quality sleep, can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. These routines not only help you manage stress but also provide a sense of control and empowerment over your own life. When you take the time to care for yourself, you’ll find that you’re better equipped to handle the challenges that come your way, both personally and professionally.

Don’t let the busyness of life prevent you from prioritizing your self-care. Invest in yourself, and the benefits will ripple through every aspect of your life. Embrace the power of self-care routines and unlock your full potential.

3) Building Meaningful Relationships

Establishing meaningful connections with others is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it can be easy to feel disconnected. However, by making a conscious effort to build genuine relationships, we can enhance our overall well-being and find greater purpose in our lives.

At the heart of meaningful relationships are qualities like trust, empathy, and mutual understanding. When we take the time to truly listen to others, share our authentic selves, and show compassion, we create a foundation for lasting bonds. These connections not only enrich our social lives but can also provide invaluable support during challenging times.

Investing in relationships doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple acts of kindness, quality time spent together, and open communication can go a long way. By cultivating a mindset of curiosity and a willingness to be vulnerable, we open the door to deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

Ultimately, building meaningful connections is an ongoing journey, but the rewards are immeasurable. When we prioritize the people in our lives and nurture those bonds, we unlock a world of personal growth, emotional resilience, and a greater sense of belonging. Embrace the power of meaningful relationships and watch as your life becomes richer and more vibrant.

4) Setting Achievable Goals and Celebrating Progress

When it comes to achieving your dreams and ambitions, it’s crucial to set realistic, attainable goals. Far too often, people become discouraged and lose motivation when they set their sights too high and inevitably fall short. By breaking down your big picture goals into smaller, measurable steps, you’ll be able to steadily make progress and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing items off your to-do list.

Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. Acknowledging your achievements, even the minor ones, will reinforce your sense of forward momentum and inspire you to keep pushing ahead. Don’t be too hard on yourself – progress takes time, and it’s important to appreciate how far you’ve come rather than solely focusing on how far you have left to go.

Maintaining this positive, goal-oriented mindset will help you stay focused, motivated, and confident in your ability to reach your ultimate objectives. Remember, slow and steady progress is the key to lasting success.

5) Embrace New Experiences and Challenges

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be daunting, but it’s also where the magic happens. Embracing new experiences and challenges is the key to personal and professional growth.

When you welcome the unknown, you open yourself up to discovering hidden talents, developing new skills, and gaining a fresh perspective. Each challenge you face is an opportunity to prove your resilience and adaptability.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new. Whether it’s learning a new language, taking on a project outside your usual scope, or traveling to an unfamiliar destination, these experiences will push you to expand your horizons.

Leaning into discomfort allows you to step out of your routine and comfort zone. This is where innovation and creativity thrive. Stepping into the unknown can be uncomfortable, but it’s where the most rewarding transformations take place.

Commit to seeking out new experiences and facing challenges head-on. The journey may not always be easy, but the personal development and sense of accomplishment you’ll gain will be invaluable. Embrace the unknown and watch as you reach new heights.

6) Embrace the Power of Mindfulness: Live in the Present and Unlock Your Full Potential

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily tasks, worries, and distractions. However, the key to unlocking your true potential lies in the practice of mindfulness – the art of living in the present moment.

Mindfulness is not just a buzzword; it is a transformative skill that can profoundly impact every aspect of your life. By cultivating a heightened awareness of the here and now, you can break free from the shackles of the past and the anxieties of the future, and instead, channel your energy into what truly matters.

When you are mindful, you are fully engaged with the task at hand, whether it’s a work project, a conversation with a loved one, or a simple moment of respite. This level of focus and presence not only boosts your productivity and creativity but also fosters a deep sense of inner peace and contentment.

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine is simpler than you might think. Start with small, manageable steps, such as taking a few deep breaths before beginning a new task or setting aside a few minutes each day for silent reflection. Over time, you’ll find that the benefits of mindfulness compound, transforming the way you approach life and unlocking your full potential.

So, embrace the power of mindfulness and start living in the present. The rewards will be profound and lasting, empowering you to achieve your goals, deepen your relationships, and find true fulfillment in every moment.

7) Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

In a world that often emphasizes the pursuit of more, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple joys and blessings that surround us. However, the power of gratitude cannot be overstated. By fostering an attitude of gratitude, we open ourselves up to a deeper sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Gratitude is not just a feel-good emotion; it is a transformative practice that can reshape our perspective on life. When we actively seek out the things we are thankful for, whether it’s the beauty of nature, the support of loved ones, or the small moments of everyday life, we cultivate a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity.

This shift in mindset has profound implications. Studies have shown that individuals who practice gratitude experience improved mental health, stronger relationships, and a greater sense of overall well-being. By focusing on what we have, rather than what we lack, we can break free from the cycle of dissatisfaction and find true joy in the present moment.

Embracing an attitude of gratitude is not always easy, but it is a skill that can be developed with practice. Start by setting aside time each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, no matter how small. Keep a gratitude journal, share your appreciation with loved ones, or simply take a moment to pause and savor the good in your life.

Remember, the path to fulfillment is not found in the pursuit of more, but in the cultivation of gratitude. Embrace this powerful practice, and unlock the transformative potential that lies within.

8) Prioritize Physical Health and Fitness

Physical health and fitness should be a top priority for everyone. Maintaining a healthy body through regular exercise and proper nutrition is crucial for your overall well-being.

When you prioritize your physical health, you’ll experience a boost in energy, improved mood, and better sleep. Regular physical activity can also reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Don’t make excuses – find ways to incorporate fitness into your daily routine, whether it’s taking a brisk walk on your lunch break, joining a gym, or trying a new sport or workout class. Your body and mind will thank you in the long run. Prioritize your physical health and fitness today for a healthier, happier tomorrow.

9) Pursue Passion Projects and Hobbies

Don’t let your day job define you. Carve out time to explore your true passions and hobbies. Whether it’s painting, woodworking, or learning a new language, pursuing personal projects can reignite your creativity and provide a much-needed outlet from the daily grind.

Studies show that engaging in passion projects boosts mood, reduces stress, and inspires innovative thinking that can even benefit your career. So stop making excuses and start making time for the activities that bring you joy. Your future self will thank you.

The only thing standing in your way is yourself. Commit to dedicating even a few hours per week to your passion project, and watch how it rejuvenates your mind and spirit. Don’t wait – start exploring those long-neglected interests today. Your happiness and fulfillment depend on it.

10) Contribute to Something Larger Than Yourself

When you dedicate your time and effort to a cause greater than yourself, you unlock a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. Whether it’s volunteering, advocating for a social issue, or supporting a charitable organization, contributing to something larger than your own needs can transform your outlook and enrich your life in immeasurable ways.

By shifting your focus outward, you gain a fresh perspective and the opportunity to make a tangible difference. Your individual actions, no matter how small, have the power to create positive change and inspire others. This heightened sense of community and collective impact can be truly empowering, reminding us that we all have the capacity to be agents of change.

Engaging in work that benefits others cultivates empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of the human experience. It challenges us to step outside our own bubbles, broadening our horizons and fostering a more inclusive worldview. This transformative process can lead to personal growth, increased resilience, and a renewed appreciation for the interconnectedness of our global community.

So, consider how you might lend your unique skills, passions, and resources to make the world a better place. The rewards of contributing to something larger than yourself are not just for the recipients of your efforts, but for your own sense of fulfillment and purpose. Embrace the opportunity to create a lasting, positive impact, and watch as it enriches your life in profound and unexpected ways.

It’s time to start prioritizing your happiness and well-being. By adopting these proven happiness strategies, you can cultivate a life of greater joy, fulfillment, and purpose. Don’t settle for anything less than the vibrant, meaningful existence you deserve.

Gratitude is a game-changer. Make it a daily habit to reflect on the people, experiences, and blessings in your life that you’re thankful for. This simple practice has been shown to boost mood, reduce stress, and foster a more positive outlook.

Invest in your relationships. Strong social connections are essential for happiness. Nurture your closest bonds, make time for loved ones, and seek out opportunities to expand your circle. Surround yourself with people who lift you up.

Embrace a growth mindset. Believe in your ability to develop and improve. Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and learn new skills. Celebrate small wins and learn from setbacks – this flexibility is key to lasting contentment.

Take care of your physical health. Prioritize exercise, nutritious eating, and quality sleep. When you feel good in your body, it becomes easier to feel good in your mind. Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

The path to a life well-lived is paved with intention and self-care. Implement these happiness strategies, and watch your world transform. The happiness you seek is well within your reach.

Posted in Getting to know me, inspiration, mental health, Motivational, Self improvement

The Power of Journaling

Hi wanderers,

Happy Monday! It’s 2 am, and the baby and six pups are all snoring around me. I have my coffee steaming in a mug beside me and a stack of books I got yesterday. In the background, I have my Pottercore playlist on YouTube, creating a pleasant ambient atmosphere. As I type this blog, I am reminded of the days when blogging was my journaling. I love to journal and have had a diary since childhood.

When digital journaling, aka blogging, became popular, I joined the band wagging. There were two popular sites back then: Live Journal and Open Diary. I was part of the latter. Journaling is a great way to express yourself, heal yourself, and strengthen your creative skills.

That is what this blog helps to represent for me; it is not just a way to help others but also myself. It is a way for me to express how I feel at times and what I’m going through and share my experiences. This blog will showcase journaling in a way I hope to inspire you to get out there and lay your thoughts down on paper.

Journaling: The Transformative Power You Can’t Afford to Ignore

In a world that moves at a breakneck pace, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from ourselves. But there’s one simple practice that has the power to ground us, provide clarity, and unlock our true potential – journaling.

Don’t dismiss journaling as just another self-help fad. This time-honored tradition has been embraced by some of history’s greatest minds, from Frida Kahlo to Marcus Aurelius. And for good reason – the act of putting pen to paper and expressing our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be truly transformative.

Through journaling, we gain self-awareness, identify patterns, and uncover the root causes of our struggles. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth, allowing us to process emotions, set intentions, and track our progress. And the benefits extend far beyond the page – studies have shown that regular journaling can reduce stress, boost immune function, and even improve overall well-being.

So why aren’t more people harnessing the power of this simple practice? Perhaps it’s the misconception that journaling is time-consuming or only for the artistically inclined. But the truth is, there’s no right or wrong way to journal. Whether you prefer stream-of-consciousness writing or structured prompts, the act of putting pen to paper can be a game-changer.

The time is now to reclaim your power and unlock your full potential. Embrace the transformative power of journaling, and watch as your life unfolds in ways you never imagined.

Unlock the Transformative Benefits of Keeping a Journal

Journaling is a powerful practice that can unlock profound personal growth and self-discovery. Far from a mere hobby, maintaining a regular journal can have a truly transformative impact on your life. When you commit to the practice of journaling, you open the door to a wealth of benefits that can reshape your mindset, boost your productivity, and cultivate greater self-awareness.

At its core, journaling provides a dedicated space for you to process your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), you forge a deeper connection with your inner world, gaining clarity and perspective that can be difficult to achieve through passive reflection alone. This ritual of self-expression allows you to work through challenges, celebrate successes, and uncover the lessons that are woven into the fabric of your daily life.

Beyond its therapeutic value, journaling can also serve as a powerful tool for goal-setting and personal development. By regularly documenting your aspirations, progress, and insights, you create a tangible record that can guide your growth and keep you accountable. The act of writing down your intentions and reflecting on your journey reinforces your commitment and helps you stay focused on the path ahead.

Ultimately, the transformative benefits of journaling lie in its ability to cultivate self-awareness, foster emotional intelligence, and unlock your full potential. When you make journaling a consistent part of your routine, you embark on a journey of self-discovery that can lead to profound personal transformation. So why not start your journey today and unlock the power of the written word?

Discover Your Inner Creativity and Self-Awareness Through Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool that can unlock your inner creativity and deepen your self-awareness. By putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), you embark on a journey of self-discovery that can have a profound impact on your personal growth and well-being.

When you journal, you create a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment. This process allows you to gain clarity, identify patterns, and uncover insights about yourself that may have previously remained hidden. As you delve deeper into your inner world, you’ll find that the act of writing can serve as a catalyst for creative expression, problem-solving, and emotional healing.

Contrary to common misconceptions, journaling is not just for the artistically inclined. It’s a practice that can benefit anyone, regardless of their writing skills or creative abilities. The true power of journaling lies in its ability to help you connect with your authentic self, cultivate self-reflection, and tap into your innate creativity.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a notebook, pen, or open a new document, and start your journey of self-discovery through the art of journaling. Unlock the door to your inner creativity and self-awareness, and watch as your personal growth and fulfillment blossom.

Don’t Wait, Start Journaling Today and Transform Your Life

The power of journaling is undeniable. It’s a practice that has the potential to unlock profound personal growth, clarity, and inner peace. Yet, far too many people dismiss it as a mere hobby or something “only writers do.” This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Regardless of your profession or lifestyle, journaling can be the catalyst for life-changing breakthroughs. By taking the time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences, you embark on a journey of self-discovery that can reshape your entire outlook on life.

Don’t wait another day to start reaping the benefits of this transformative practice. Whether you’re seeking to manage stress, boost creativity, or gain a deeper understanding of yourself, consistent journaling can help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

The excuses to delay starting a journaling practice are plentiful, but the cost of inaction is far greater. Imagine the personal growth, clarity, and inner peace you’re missing out on by procrastinating. The time to act is now.

Unlock the power of journaling and watch as it transforms every aspect of your life. Start today and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will leave you feeling empowered, inspired, and ready to take on the world.

Here are some journaling prompts to help you get started journaling today:

  • What are your favorite memories from childhood? Why do they stand out to you?
  • Who were the most ‘present’ adults in your life when you were growing up? What did you learn from them?
  • What did you wish was different about your childhood? How has that impacted who you are today?
  • What 5 lessons would you tell your 18-year-old self?
  • What goals did you have, say, 5 years ago? Do you still want the same things?
  • Would your younger self be proud of you?
  • What are the biggest challenges you’ve overcome in your life? How did you do it?
  • What are your biggest strengths? How can you use them to achieve your goals?
  • What are your biggest weaknesses? How can you work to overcome them?
  • What are your biggest accomplishments? How did you achieve them?
  • What are your biggest regrets? How can you learn from them?
  • What is your biggest source of stress? How can you manage it?
  • How do you typically deal with negative emotions? Do you have a healthy outlet or is it more of a coping mechanism?
  • What is your biggest source of joy? How can you cultivate more of it?
  • Do you keep a gratitude journal? What are you most grateful for in your life?
  • What are the biggest challenges you’re facing right now? How can you work to overcome them?
  • What are the most important things you have learned in life so far?
  • Write down all of the reasons why you are proud of yourself.
  • What is your relationship with yourself? How can you cultivate more self-love and acceptance?
  • Have there been any significant changes in your life in the last year? Have they had a lingering impact on you and your life?

Snag a new journal to get you started on your journaling journey!

Posted in inspiration, Motivational, Self improvement

5 Unhealthy Mindsets Holding You Back From Achieving Your Goals

Hello Wanderers,

Happy Friday! How’s your week been? Hopefully fun, vibrant and filled with your dreams. I wanted to remind you of how powerful our minds are. What messages are you sending yourself each day,pruning when you wake up? What are you telling yourself throughout the day. Did you know our mindset is how and what we attract in ur lives? Believe me even I have trouble remembering this from time to time.

Right now I’m listening to one of my favorite motivational speakers and having a moment of clarity and wanted to share. This talks about our mindset and how powerful we are. I am realizing I’m the only one in my way and how I can work on myself to remove this obstacle in my manifestation goals.

How about you? In what ways do you hold yourself back. Check out these five mindsets that hold us back from living our best life!

The Danger of a Fixed Mindset

Having a fixed mindset can be detrimental to your personal and professional growth. When you believe your talents and abilities are set in stone, you miss out on opportunities to learn, improve, and reach your full potential.

A fixed mindset leads to an avoidance of challenges, a fear of failure, and a reluctance to try new things. You may find yourself making excuses, blaming others, and shying away from feedback – all in an effort to protect your ego and maintain the illusion of perfection.

In contrast, a growth mindset embraces challenges as a chance to develop new skills. Failures are seen as valuable learning experiences, not reflections of your worth. With this mindset, you’re willing to take risks, seek out constructive criticism, and put in the hard work required to achieve your goals.

Cultivating a growth mindset is essential for long-term success. It allows you to continuously expand your capabilities, adapt to change, and push the boundaries of what you thought possible. Don’t let a fixed mindset hold you back – unlock your true potential by embracing a mindset of lifelong learning and improvement.

Overcoming the Victim Mentality

It’s time to take responsibility for your life and stop playing the victim. The victim mentality is a self-limiting mindset that keeps you stuck, powerless, and unable to create the changes you desire. If you want to break free and start living an empowered life, you must let go of this toxic way of thinking.

Victims see themselves as helpless, blaming external circumstances or other people for their problems. They feel like they have no control and that life is happening to them, rather than for them. This disempowering perspective prevents them from taking constructive action to improve their situation.

The truth is, you have far more control over your life than you realize. While you can’t control every external factor, you can control how you respond to them. By shifting your mindset from victim to creator, you can start making choices that move you towards your goals, rather than keeping you trapped.

It won’t be easy to overcome the victim mentality – it’s a deeply ingrained habit for many people. But with awareness, determination, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, you can break free and reclaim your power. Start today by taking ownership of your life and choosing empowering thoughts and behaviors. Your future self will thank you.

Letting Fear and Doubt Hold You Back

It’s time to confront the elephant in the room – fear and doubt. These two formidable foes have a way of creeping into our lives, paralyzing us and preventing us from reaching our full potential. But the truth is, giving in to these emotions is a choice, and it’s one that far too many of us make without even realizing it.

Fear and doubt are powerful, but they are not invincible. By acknowledging their presence and learning to manage them, we can break free from their grip and unlock the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. It’s time to stop letting these emotions dictate our actions and start taking control of our own destiny.

The path forward may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly worth it. When we confront our fears and doubts head-on, we open ourselves up to a world of growth, opportunity, and personal fulfillment. So let’s take a deep breath, summon our courage, and take that first step towards a future free from the shackles of fear and doubt.

Perfectionism: The Shackles That Hold Us Back

It’s time to break free from the chains of perfectionism that have been holding us back for far too long. As content creators, we often get bogged down in the pursuit of flawlessness, only to find ourselves stuck in an endless cycle of revisions and self-doubt.

But the truth is, perfection is an illusion – an unattainable goal that robs us of our creativity, productivity, and joy. By letting go of this unrealistic standard, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities, where we can produce content that is authentic, impactful, and truly resonates with our audience.

It’s time to embrace the power of “good enough.” Stop striving for perfection and start focusing on creating content that is meaningful, valuable, and delivers results. Your audience doesn’t need perfection – they need content that speaks to their needs and helps them solve their problems.

So, take a deep breath, let go of the need for perfection, and unleash the full potential of your creativity. The future of content creation is in our hands, and it’s time to break free from the shackles of perfectionism once and for all.

Avoiding Procrastination and Laziness

Procrastination and laziness are the enemies of productivity and success. It’s time to take control and break free from these detrimental habits.

The path to achievement is paved with discipline and determination, not excuses. Successful individuals understand that procrastination is a trap that must be avoided at all costs. By tackling tasks head-on, rather than putting them off, you can maximize your efficiency and reach your full potential.

Laziness, on the other hand, is a mindset that holds you back from reaching your goals. It’s easy to succumb to the temptation of comfort and complacency, but true growth and progress require effort and hard work. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and push yourself to go the extra mile.

The rewards of overcoming procrastination and laziness are immense. You’ll experience a sense of accomplishment, increased confidence, and the satisfaction of knowing you’ve given your best. Don’t let these roadblocks stand in your way – take action today and unlock your true power.

Adopt a Success Mindset and Unlock Your True Potential

The path to success is paved with the right mindset. When you cultivate a success-driven mentality, you open the door to limitless possibilities and unlock your true potential. It’s time to leave self-doubt and negativity behind and embrace a mindset that propels you forward.

Adopting a success mindset means believing in yourself, embracing challenges, and focusing on growth. It’s about reframing setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve. By shifting your perspective, you can tap into an inner well of resilience and determination that will serve you well on your journey to achievement.

Unleash the power of positive thinking and watch as your goals become reality. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will support and encourage your ambitions. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and use them as fuel to keep pushing forward.

The success mindset is not just a state of mind – it’s a way of life. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as it transforms every aspect of your personal and professional life. The future is yours to create, so why not make it a resounding success?

So what’s holding you back? In what ways can you change your mindset? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by! Don’t forget to check out my new products that just hit the shop! Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Posted in inspiration, Motivational, Self improvement

The Key to Having a Truly Productive Week

Hi Wanderers,
Good morning, and happy Wednesday. The planets are aligned, the moon in its creation phase, and I have been hella inspired lately. I am beginning to revamp older projects, writing and working on my business and myself. Let’s not forget learning how to be a mother, managing two households, raising six dogs, and learning what being productive truly means.

I wanted to share with you some helpful tips on how to stay productive, have patience, and accept the days that we feel defeated. We often think being productive means crossing items off the to-do list, running errands, and staying on task when needed. That’s all part of it, but we must remember that we can be productive, even in the most minor measures.

Understand the Difference Between Busyness and Productivity

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to confuse busyness with true productivity. We often find ourselves caught up in a flurry of activity, checking off tasks and responding to endless emails, yet at the end of the day, feel as though we’ve accomplished little of real significance. This is the trap of busyness, and it’s a dangerous one that can hinder our ability to achieve our most important goals.

Productivity, on the other hand, is about working smarter, not harder. It’s about identifying the tasks and activities that truly move the needle and focusing our time and energy on those. By prioritizing the work that matters most, we can make meaningful progress and see tangible results, rather than just giving the illusion of progress through endless busy work.

The key is to recognize the difference between the two and make a conscious effort to shift our mindset and behaviors accordingly. Busyness may provide a temporary sense of accomplishment, but true productivity is what will ultimately lead to long-term success and fulfillment. It’s time to break free from the cycle of busyness and embrace a more strategic, purposeful approach to our work.

Prioritize Your Tasks and Set Achievable Goals

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks and responsibilities we face each day. However, the key to staying productive and focused is to prioritize your tasks and set achievable goals. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re making meaningful progress on the things that matter most, rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae.

Start by taking a step back and evaluating your current workload. Identify the tasks that are truly essential and those that can be delegated or deprioritized. Once you’ve done that, create a clear plan of action that outlines your top priorities and the specific steps you’ll take to address them.

When setting goals, be sure to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re making tangible progress. Remember, it’s better to achieve a few key goals than to spread yourself too thin across a long list of unrealistic objectives.

By prioritizing your tasks and setting achievable goals, you’ll be able to work more efficiently, reduce stress, and ultimately, achieve greater success in both your professional and personal life.

Eliminate Distractions and Stay Focused

maintaining focus and productivity can be a constant challenge. With endless notifications, social media feeds, and other attention-grabbing stimuli, it’s all too easy to get sidetracked from the task at hand. However, the ability to eliminate distractions and stay focused is essential for achieving your goals and maximizing your potential.

Whether you’re working on an important project, studying for an exam, or simply trying to get through your daily to-do list, the key to success lies in your ability to minimize distractions and maintain a laser-sharp focus. By implementing strategic techniques and making conscious choices, you can train your mind to stay on track and maximize your productivity.

From setting boundaries around your time and environment to leveraging productivity-boosting tools and apps, there are numerous proven strategies that can help you eliminate distractions and unlock your full potential. Embrace these techniques, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving greater focus, efficiency, and success in all areas of your life.

Take Breaks to Recharge and Refocus

As a coach and motivator, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant demand for new content and forget the importance of taking breaks. However, regular breaks are essential for maintaining focus, reducing burnout, and sparking fresh ideas. In this section, we’ll explore why taking breaks should be a non-negotiable part of your writing routine.

Recharging Your Mental Batteries

Continuous work without respite can quickly lead to mental fatigue and a decline in cognitive performance. By taking breaks, you allow your brain to rest and recharge, enabling you to return to your work with renewed energy and focus. This not only enhances your productivity but also helps you produce higher-quality content.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation

When you step away from your desk, you give your subconscious mind the opportunity to make new connections and generate innovative ideas. Many of the best creative breakthroughs happen when we’re engaged in activities unrelated to our work, such as taking a walk, engaging in a hobby, or simply daydreaming.

Preventing Burnout

Burnout is a real threat for copywriters who work in high-pressure, fast-paced environments. By taking regular breaks, you can avoid the emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy that characterize burnout. This, in turn, helps you maintain your passion for your craft and deliver your best work consistently.

Incorporating Breaks into Your Routine

Incorporate short breaks throughout your workday, such as a 5-10 minute walk or a quick meditation session. Additionally, schedule longer breaks, such as a half-day or a full day off, to allow for more substantial recharging and creative rejuvenation. Remember, your well-being and the quality of your work are inextricably linked, so prioritize taking breaks to stay at the top of your game.

Put These Strategies into Practice for an Incredibly Productive Week

Are you ready to take your productivity to new heights this week? Implement these strategies, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

First, start your day with a clear plan. Take a few minutes each morning to review your priorities and map out your day. Identify the most important tasks and block off time to focus on them without distractions.

Next, learn to say no. It’s easy to get pulled in a million directions, but protecting your time is crucial. Don’t be afraid to politely decline requests that don’t align with your goals.

Additionally, embrace the power of batching. Group similar tasks together and tackle them in focused bursts. This minimizes the time spent switching between different types of work.

Finally, don’t forget to step away and recharge. Regular breaks will help you avoid burnout and maintain your energy levels throughout the week. Step outside, grab a healthy snack, or simply take a few deep breaths.

Implement these proven productivity strategies, and get ready to crush your goals this week. The key is consistency – stick with it, and you’ll see incredible results.

Posted in inspiration, Motivational, Self improvement, Uncategorized

Self love + care for the busy person

Hi Wanderers,

Let’s talk self-care and love! Something I have had to rethink a few times since becoming a mother. It has made it all the more essential for me now. How often do we take care of ourselves? Self-care is necessary, even in its most minor measures.

Usually, we let our busy schedules, errands, long task lists, family, jobs, and many other things take precedence in our lives. We constantly make excuses for why we can’t do things like go for a walk, read a chapter in one of our books, or cook a healthy meal. Then, we sit and scroll through social media because we believe it is easier to do for 15 minutes or twenty minutes.

So how do we do it, how do we take care of ourselves, get our tasks done and still like in reality? Patience, practice and acceptence. Not to mention time and energy to put in to ourselves. When I say time I mean, acceping the time frames we are given.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I realized my whole life, routine, and way I did things were about to change. I read mommy blogs, check out Momtok, and read from different mom books. While there were tons of information about self-care while pregnant and what to do with your baby when they were born. There wasn’t much focus on self-care after the baby was brought home.

From my experience and from what I read online, many of us needed that entire 6-8-week span to heal from labor. My wee one did a number on my body, and hormones took care of readjusting my mental state. So, saying I felt rough for those eight weeks would be an understatement. I am usually a very independent person, so having to rely on my husband for everything for almost a month was pretty unbearable.

Advice from others consisted of simple terms: take it easy, it gets better, and get used to this. These were the most common phrases I have heard these past few weeks. So, I wanted to help with self-care and self-love from a perspective of understanding the reality of life. We don’t always get to have an hour to take a bubble bath, and sometimes, we only have fifteen minutes to get a task done. So here are some of the ways that helped me get used to knocking out my task lists and taking care of myself.

When it comes to your to-do list, write everything you have to do for the day, week, and month. Next to each task, write out when the task needs to be done and how long you think you would need to get it done. Pro tip: always add five minutes to each task, just in case. The following list you will make is your self-care wish list. I don’t say task list because self-care shouldn’t feel like a task that you cross off your list. Same thing as before as far as time, though, write out how long your self-care items usually take you. Again, add that extra five minutes.

Once your lists are made, sit for a moment to review them. If you want to break them down and organize them into timed groups, feel free. I do that to help pick from a fifteen-minute or thirty-minute task/session. Another creative way to manage these lists is by highlighting items into categories. For example, you can highlight them in priorities and due date times. Now place these in your planner, put them on your wall calendar, or leave them in a place you can refer to them. Now, go about your day; as your day moves along, refer back to this list when you have moments of free time. So, say your baby is taking a nap, and they usually sleep thirty to sixty minutes at a time. Pick a task or self-care item from the list that takes up those times. Maybe start simple; if you don’t want to change the timing, pick an item that takes fifteen to twenty minutes. Cross the task off the list and put a heart by the self-care items. You can use this method for anything, from a canceled meeting to a busy day at work.

One of my self-care items is movement. I miss being active and getting to work out. Sounds crazy, right? So, a couple of weeks ago, when I got the approval that I could actively walk, I bought a mini treadmill. I slowly incorporated it into my day. I started with five minutes at a time and added five minutes each couple of days. It has given me so much joy and decreased a lot of my postpartum blues.

I have also gotten better at gaging my baby and times. I know in the wee hours of the morning, she sleeps for longer, and during the day, she has a few light naps. I can accomplish a few things in these times: blogging, dishes, and a few minutes on the treadmill. It’s not perfect, but it’s damn near close. I’ll soon add yoga and yoga teacher training classes to my self-care wishes.

I hope this helpos in your journey to get things done, take care of yourself and giving yourself a little love. Remeber to be gentle with yourself and have patience. You’ve got this!

Posted in Uncategorized

Giveaway May

Check out the giveaway I have going on over at instagram!

Want to get your hands on this exclusive prize? 🤩

Here’s your chance to win an iPad, a brand shirt, plus some other goodies in my latest #giveaway! All you have to do is:

  1. Follow me @thewanderingobscurist on instagram
  2. Like one or two of my posts & Share your favorite in your stories on Instagram
  3. Tag 2 friends in the comments of the post

That’s it! We’ll be selecting one lucky winner at random next week. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. What are you waiting for?

Posted in inspiration, Motivational, Self improvement


Hi Wanderers,

Blessed May, and a bright Beltane to all celebrating. The sun is shining brighter by day and the moon by night. It is a time to honor the summer months rolling in and pray for a good harvest. This holiday is also a fantastic time to let go of things that hold us back. Similar to a new moon or retrograde cycles, certain pagan holidays, such as Beltane, are phenomenal for letting go.

We should also look back upon our year from this May to last and see all that has progressed. What went right for you this past year? What did last year’s “harvest” look like? What can you be grateful for? What miracles, big or small, showed up for you?

Early this morning, while watching the wee one, I decided to catch up on some of my Gaia playlists. If you haven’t gotten Gaia yet, I highly recommend it. You’ll hear me referencing a lot from that website. Anyway, I was watching a 12-part series about strengthening my self-esteem. It was very insightful as it was highlighting some personal truths for me. One of the particular episodes that I resonated with was about past traumas or pains that we hold onto as a crutch. It showcases how we are the ones who have started to use these scars as a way to attach blame and irresponsibility.

The narrator/speaker of this show called this “woundology,” the theory that we do certain things and use our pain as an entitlement whether or not we notice. For example, we deserve something because we were hurt, or we do certain things because we are broken. Even I have been guilty of these things. What this episode was teaching us was to see the responsibility that we needed to own up to heal truly. There is only so much we can blame on our shadow sides. Our “woundology” is causing us to ignore others and try to one-up each other’s pain.

So, if we are honest with ourselves, what are your “ontologies”? Do you constantly interrupt others so that you can be heard, do you try to “relate” in attempting to one-up someone’s pain, or do you continuously play the victim so that you can be the center of attention? By the way, these have been some of mine in the past, so don’t feel as if you are alone in this journey. I, too, have had to come a long way.

I am grateful that I decided to watch this show. This particular episode held such significance for me, but the entirety of the series had great learning topics to them.

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today! Let me know in the comments, or tag me on Instagram about your “woundology” experiences.

Posted in inspiration, Motivational, Pagan Holydays, Self improvement, Witchy

Blessed Beltaine

Hello Wanderers,

Happy May first and for those that celebrate, Blessed Beltaine. One of the most celebrated holy days in Witchcraft. Beltaine ignites our senses and stirs our soul. A fertility festival, it embodies the fiery energy of passion and creativity, as the Earth bursts into full bloom and life awakens into the warmer months. This is a season of sensuality, the world is engaged in a passionate embrace.

One of the most famous practices are lighting of the bonfires and leaping over them. By leaping over these fires it is believed to purify and renew your spirit. The flames symbolize the energy of passion and
transformation, and dancing around them is a way to embrace this fiery magic and connect to your Gods and Goddesses.

During Beltane the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds is very thin, making it a time when the mystical and magical energies are at their peak. It’s a season for casting love spells, harnessing the Earth’s vitality for prosperity, and honoring the spirits of the land. This is a big festival for Pan.

Betlane is a time to spend with our friends, families and where our communities to come together. This is a time when we celebrate the return of life on the spinning wheel. This is a time for lovers, for children and for us to sing and dance. It is a time for us to celebrate the rising energy of the earth and pronounce our internal desires.

Some of Beltaine’s traditional ways to celebrate:

1) Maypole Dancing: Celebrate the divine union of masculine and
feminine energies by weaving colorful ribbons together around
the May pole.

2)Bonfires: Light a bonfire for your community and gather around
it to honor the sun’s strength and power to renew and

3) Making Flower Crowns: We can honor the blooming beauty of spring flowers by making flower crowns.

4) Handfasting Ceremonies: Beltane is a popular time for Pagan
commitment ceremonies for couples. Hands are fasted
together with ribbons while vows are exchanged.

5) Fertility Rituals: Ride the energy of Beltane by planting seeds or
making offerings to the earth for a fertile growing season.

6) Greening of your Home: Decorate your homes with fresh
greenery and flowers to bring the vibrant energy of spring

The word ‘Beltane’ roughly translates to “Lucky Fire” and is the
holiday to re-ignite your soul fire! Tap into the power of fire to release barriers, embrace your passions and bring action to your intentions Traditionally this was a celebration of the fertility of our bodies and the earth! Beltane is a time to embrace your sexuality and to let your inner radiance shine.

A very popular ritual during Beltaine is to jump the Beltane fire. A way to embody the energy and take a leap forward in life towards your
dreams! Stand around your fire and bring your awareness to what you are calling in for your life. Then jump across the fire as shout out your
intentions. May the Beltane fire bring you transformation, energy and joy!

The power of fire helps to release and transform. A time to let go of who we’ve been to become who we want to be. That moment to take a leap of faith into the future.

Take some time today to think about how you are balancing your masculine and feminine energies. Do you Can you bring
more heart to your head or more head to your heart? Can
you strengthen your boundaries so your creativity can

Bringing the masculine and feminine forces into harmony
within you will empower you to live your most purposeful and
authentic life. Embrace the light and the dark, the thinking
and the feeling, the doing and the not doing this season
and at the center of that, you will find your truest self.

As we light the Beltane fires,
we kindle the flames of our desires.
May our intentions burn bright
and our dreams take flight.

As we weave the ribbons of the Maypole,
may we weave the threads of our lives with
love, unity, and joy.

In the dance of the God and Goddess,
may we find our rhythms and
experience the divine within and around us.

And so it is!

Posted in Getting to know me, inspiration, Motivational, Self improvement, Uncategorized

Life with 6 dogs + a newborn…

Hello Wanderers,

It’s 4am, had a quick feeding session with the wee one and there are 5 dogs snoring and 1 stirring. The stirring one, the husky of course, can’t figure out where he wants to lay down for a nap. Let me tell you it’s not the comfy bed we just got them, but the door mat. He paces back and forth checking on the others, me and the baby. Such a good boy. And he finally settles down near the couch. Mission accomplished. Everyone is snoring and I am left with a few moments of me time. Score!

My Ambient Atmospheres playlist is on in the background and the only other sounds you can hearing besides the snoring is my keyboard. I sit in these moments and self reflect on how lovely they can be. While most of this life can be chaotic, these precious moments turn into lovely memories. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Life is somewhat golden at the moment and I’ve work very hard to achieve this.

When people look at my life I usually hear three things; “Oh your so lucky, how do you do this. and how in the world did you achieve your dreams.” I used to hear a lot more judgement and harsher words, but they’ve calmed down over the years. The simple answer to them all is the fact that I never stopped believing I could. Plus, I can’t lie that in between the belife there were tears, meltdowns, healing moments, and lot’s of manifestation work. Reaching your dream life isn’t like picking out something off the shelf. And don’t forget people don’t often see the road it took to get there. Not to mention adding dirty diapers, vet visits, sleep deprivation and eating oreos for breakfast becuase your newborn is squirming in her basinet. This is real, this is life. Our dream lives are a series of precious and memerable moments mixed in with life lessons and lots of leveling up in between.

When I get asked how I do this? How I handle seven children (I include my furbabies), a home, business, a relationship and myself, these are some of the ways;

  • I plan everything and can’t do anything without my digital calendars, notebooks and planner
  • My amazing husband, he helps with so much I can’t begin to say how grateful I am for his help
  • Realizing that things take time, especially with a baby, your tasks takes days instead of hours and you have to learn to accept that
  • Realize that you must enjoy the smaller and simpler moments, you aren’t going to remember doing the dishes, but you will remember how your child holds your finger and smiles at you after she eats
  • Breath, breath and do some more breathing
  • Find beauty in the chaos, meltdowns, fights and moments where you yell out of frustration
  • Take a look around when you can
  • Grow into your new phases of life
  • Talk to your friends, family, comunity
  • Hug often

Sure, there are moments when the baby has a blow out, all the dogs are surrounding me becuase they want attentin and to help with the baby, and my husband is in the background laughing at his phone. Sure, in these moments I feel like I have no idea what to do, I may cuss a little, accidentaly step on a tail or cry, but it’s over in a flash and I can get back to the happy moments. Or take a nap.

And one under my chair

Story time:

A few weeks ago I was having one of those days. I had abotu two hours of sleep, the baby was super fussy, my husband was having a moment with customer service and our pet nanny was trying to tell us about the vet visit. Plus add in my mom calling and hearing her ringtone over and over agin, having no space becuase we’re in the middle of a move, dogs surrounding me and then it happened, the one moment that toppled the tower. As I lifted my daughters legs to put on a new diaper, she grunted made a struggling noise and shot me. I mean I had no idea that a baby could poop that much let alone that intense. To top it all off she sighed healvily and smiled at me. I yelped which made my husband come running into the nursey. The sight, me covered in shit, crying mumbling some form of words, and a wiggling baby waiting for a clean diaper. He laughed but quickly took over and sent me to bed. Thank goodness.

So yeah, there are those moments, the ones that seem horrible. The moments where I don’t feel I have any time to myself or that I am doing everything all wrong. But then there are these, the one I am in right now. Where and when life seems like it’s meant to be. The times when we can look at our life outside ourselves and feel gratitude for the things and moments around us.

Now the baby is stirring; I know it’s only a matter of time before she opens her eyes and reaches for a boob. When she makes a noise louder than her sleepy grunts, the dogs will stir and want to go out. The sun is about to start peaking over the Mountains, and I have one last chance at a nap before I’m up for good. But I will breathe and take in the moment for as long as possible.

That’s how I handle six dogs and a baby, plus my life. Breathe and enjoy the smaller moments.

Posted in inspiration, Motivational, Self improvement, Witchy

Raising our Vibrations

17 Ways To Raise Your Vibrations
The quantity and quality of our energy flow profoundly affects our emotions, thoughts, and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity, and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. The following techniques and ways of life will aid us in building a more accessible and positive energy flow and raising your vibrations.

  1. Proper Diet: Few of us realize the powerful effect of a proper diet not only on our physical health, but also on our emotional, mental and spiritual states. A clean diet can create greater health, more positive emotional states, clearer mental functioning, and increased spiritual attunement.
  2. Vitamins: If we suspect our emotional state may also be the result of a worn down nervous system, we might benefit from a strong multivitamin and mineral supplement for one month.
  3. Fasting: We can dramatically improve how we feel with short one-day fasts, or a “mono-diet” in which we eat only one type of food, such as apples, watermelon or grapes. When fasting, some may experience an increase of symptoms if a “healing crisis” is provoked. A beginner in this process should be assisted by an experienced guide.
  4. Herbs and Flower Essence: Some herbs can be very calming and/or invigorating, offering an extra boost which may give us the needed optimism we need to make internal changes.
  5. Daily Physical Exercise: The body is a living machine, and like all machines, it needs to move or it will begin to develop problems. Exercise is essential not only for a healthy muscular, skeletal, and circulatory system, but also for a relaxed nervous system and balanced endocrine system. This systemic harmony is necessary for emotional and mental peace.
  6. Breathing Techniques: These are essential for the abundant flow of vital energy throughout the body and mind. Bio-energy is the basis of all physical and mental functions. Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so we will be less susceptible to low emotional states or illness. We should, however, have the guidance of a person experienced in breathing techniques before we begin.
  7. Daily Deep Relaxation:This will calm the muscles, nerves and all other bodily systems, and thus rejuvenate the body and the mind. Deep relaxation, in conjunction with the above-mentioned techniques, contributes to the development of a strong and healthy immune system as well as a form of self-therapy from psychosomatic illnesses.
  8. Creative Self Expression: This is much more important to our physical, emotional and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine. Humans are creative beings. Our purpose on Earth is to create in some way. We might create a painting, a piece of music, a dance, a family, a business,ect. Creative self-expression is essential for our health, harmony and happiness.
  9. Meaningful Activity: This is necessary for us to feel that our life is worth living. If we do not see what we are doing as meaningful, useful or helpful in some way, we lose our reason to exist, and our health and happiness gradually deteriorate.
  10. Massage: Shiatsu massage, polarity massage, spiritual healing, Reiki and other such energy-oriented types of massage can be especially effective in relaxing the nervous system and reducing negativity.
  11. Cleansing Techniques: One simple method is to increase the number of showers or baths. Contact with water can be healing and calming.
  12. Emotional Release: We might need to partake in a program of emotional release under the guidance of an experienced professional, who can help us release pent up emotions which undermine our health and energy level.
  13. Social Harmonization: We need to discover and overcome any fears or beliefs that prevent us from feeling comfortable with others.
  14. Spiritual Orientation: Each of us has their own personal relationship with the universe. Whether or not we adhere to any particular religion, it is important for our inner balance that we feel and cultivate our relationship with the whole as humanity, as nature, or as Spirit.
  15. Self Knowledge: We need to understand our own inner mechanisms, needs, desires, fears, expectations, beliefs and subconscious workings in order to free ourselves from the negative emotions, mechanisms, which undermine our health, happiness and relationships.
  16. Enlightening The Subconscious: This aspect of self-improvement usually requires an experienced professional who can help us reprogram the subconscious with positive, more objective beliefs and perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world.
  17. Unconditional Love: Showing this towards ourselves and others is the ultimate key to a high and harmonious energy flow.